Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts

Monday, March 7, 2011

Five Tips to Avoid Relationship Disasters

You can build good romantic relationships or play around. That's your choice. But the Law of Cause and Effect still holds. If you want a solid relationship with your significant other, what "cause" needs to happen to get the desired "effect"?

"Crossed Fingers" by Katie Tegtmeyer

At this writing, I am in my 9th year of happy marriage with two lovely and charming kids. Prior to this relationship, I've been a total loser in courtship.

I haven't exactly been to the rocks of depression (just close to it), but I must admit to having exerted real effort in finding the formula for courtship and relationship that would greatly increase my chances of ending up happily married with kids who can relate well with me. That's what a long losing streak in courtship can do to a man.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The 10 Mind-Opening Questions About Men and Women

While men and women are two equal sides of the same species called Homo sapiens, there are differences in their biology and psyche that play a large part in their daily interaction. Creating an inventory of how much you know about these differences is a good start towards greater understanding of one of the true wonders of life: the gender.

The world is replete with information about the differences between men and women ... how much of these have you absorbed and used?

As your online coach, let me help you juggle your mind ...

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Secret of Maintaining the Fire of Love in Relationships

Maintaining the Fire of Love in love relationships is no longer as difficult as it used to.

"Hey Mister! Which way is it to _____? Do we turn left? or right?" Have you asked this question along the road lately? It's normal to get lost from time to time. We just need to know how to get back on track.

We ask for directions about almost everything. But in asking directions in love relationships, we need to agree first on how to name the streets.
Photo Credit: 'Everywhere but here?' by Will Ockenden

Studies show that women, typically, don't have trouble asking for directions. Most men don't ask for directions, thinking, "My map is enough!" or "This manual is enough!" A map is important in everything, including love relationships.

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